What are Stats Points and how to get them?

On start we have basic stats (10 of strenght, dexterity, power, knowledge, and 200 of HP, mana and stamina) and we get 5 extra to add. We will get another 4 stats points every level.

  • Strength - This attribute increases the damage you deal in melee and to a lesser extent with bows.
  • Dexterity - This attribute increases the effectiveness of all physical attacks: melee and ranged ones. It also increases your chance to avoid physical and magical ranged attacks. As Knowledge also increases your chance to avoid ranged physical attacks (ex. a bow shot) and magical attacks (ex. a fireball), always the higher of these two attributes is used to calculate your chance to avoid an attack.
  • Power - This attribute increases the amount of damage dealt through magical attacks during melee combat (ex. Fnremage's Burning), ranged combat (ex. Voodoo Shaman's Shadow Strike) and mental combat (ex. Druid's Roots).
  • Knowledge - This attribute increases the effectiveness of all magical attacks: melee and ranged ones. It also increases your chance to avoid physical and magical ranged attacks. As Dexterity also increases your chance to avoid ranged physical attacks (ex. a bow shot) and magical attacks (ex. a fireball), always the higher of these two attributes is used to calculate your chance to avoid an attack.
  • HP - This attribute is a measure of your character's vitality. The higher the attribute, the more damage can be dealt to the character before it dies.
  • Mana - This resource is necessary to make magical attacks. Each magical attack uses a specific amount of Mana (ex. Doll Piercing uses 23 Mana). A more detailed description of all attacks can be found in the Skills window.
  • Stamina - A resource necessary to make physical attacks. Each physical attack uses a specific amount of Stamina (ex. a normal attack uses 10 Stamina). A more detailed description of all attacks can be found in the Skills window.

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