

Even the strongest worriors don't have chance against many peasants, that's why it's important not to walk alone through world, but together with the companions face adversitys. Evrybody knows, that it's safer in party.

How to create, or join guild?

Guild's creation

To create guild you have to have minimum 30 level, and go to Vieland in Castle's Neighborhood and take from him item Guild contract. With this item we can go to one of three NPCs, to start guild under their protection:

After finishing quest we can finally create guild by paying 600 000 gold, or 200 000 gold and 200 platinium.

Trumpets icon

To join some guild you should write message in News-Drafts (on the top of the screen), or on forum in appropriate section. Joining new member cost 20000 gold. If you receive invitation, on top of your screen will show trumpets icon, that you have to click on to accept, or reject it.

Pros and cons


  • New chat for guild members (only they can see it).
  • Purchase of pieces of land, and buildings that can give many bonuses like:
    • Acces to guild's pets.
    • Teleportation from, and to guild.
    • Stats and Skills bonuses.


  • Other guilds can attack us on yellow fields, if we change to aggressive mode.
  • Development of guild is very expensive, and takes lots of time.